Who are you?
Maybe just a simple question but has complex answers. We hesitate what answers we would give, if it is our whole name or just our nickname. But if we dig a little bit deeper, we’ll find more answers behind that single question.
At times, I’ve been questioning myself in some aspects such my worth, my purpose, existence etc.
Do I really know who I am and what I am? Or am I just merely a stranger to myself and others?
Before anything else, I’ve became first a creation of our almighty God and been having the privilege until now to witness how wonderful the world is. I am a believer of God but I barely know on what religion I belong. Am I now a stranger on my own religious beliefs?
In our family, I am the youngest one. Growing up, I am taught to live with my parents’ ruling or should I say my mother’s rules since my parents are separated. I am obliged to follow the ethical standards of my family. If it’s good, do it but if it’s bad, then don’t.
But as I explore in the real world, my perspective widened. I realized that what they believe is not always right and what they say that is bad is not always wrong. It’s just a matter of perspective. So, am I now a stranger just because some of my beliefs do not match my family’s beliefs?
In our school, I choose to be a communication major knowing that I am an introvert. I don’t have such excellent verbal skills like a usual communication student should have but they say that my writing skill is good and so I took a journalism course. At times, I can’t even organize my thoughts when I’m speaking. Am I now a stranger just because I don’t have such skills that match my chosen future profession?
In the society, I am one of the citizens who are aware on those societal issues. I know when to speak up and I know when to stay still. As time goes by, I notice some values of people around me that I find unethical. Am I now a stranger just because sometimes I don’t ideally fit in my society?
At the end of the day, all I know is I am still me and I am open to diverse criticisms from other people who finds me as well as my behavior strange. I am constantly seeking for new acceptable perspectives in life so there’s no need to hate.
We all do have different perspectives in life but this doesn’t need to be an excuse for our unity in the society. Communication is the key. You do not always need to speak up, sometimes you also need to listen to others. We do not need to treat each other as strangers, all we have to do is respect and educate.