The Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Committee of Romblon, Romblon started identifying STI-related programs and initiatives, among which is the enhancement of the existing marble industry in the municipality, in a coordination meeting held last January 27, 2022, in the Romblon Old Municipal Building, Romblon, Romblon.
The committee and the DOST-MIMAROPA Provincial S&T Center in Romblon (PSTC-Romblon) discussed municipal gaps and opportunities in the province including the utilization and management of marble wastes such as marble dust.
Particularly, the STI committee eyes on various marble dust-related research and development endeavors such as its value addition for economic development, mitigation of sedimentation of marble dust runoff to riverbeds and farm fields, and further studies on minimizing its impacts on workers’ health.
The municipality of Romblon, Romblon is one of the three (3) pilot local government units (LGUs) in the region to have institutionalized its STI committee. Under municipal Executive Order no. 39-201, the Romblon, Romblon STI Committee was established by November 2021.
The institutionalization of STI committee in LGUs was realized following the endorsement of the policy by the MIMAROPA Regional Development and Innovation Committee (RRDIC) to the MIMAROPA Regional Development Council (RDC). The MIMAROPA RDC, by virtue of Resolution No 2021-076-1013 approved and endorsed the adoption of the policy guidelines on creation, strengthening, and institutionalization of the local STI committee by September 2021.
The STI committee will help reinforce and strengthen the engagement of LGUs in identification and implementation of appropriate STI programs, projects, services, and activities in the city/ municipal level.
The Romblon, Romblon STII Committee is headed by the municipal mayor and comprised of the STI focal person and officers representing various sectors of the LGU including the municipal planning and development coordinator, agriculturist, health officer, social welfare and development officer and the municipal engineer. There are also representatives from the budget office and committee on appropriations for financial matters as well as from the academe and civil society organizations. DOST-MIMAROPA will perform a consultative and advisory function to the STI committee.