The epidemiology surveillance unit of the province on Sunday recorded 18 new Covid-19 cases bringing the total number of cases to 136.
According to PESU, 102 of these cases tested in swab RT-PCR while 34 of these total cases tested on saliva-based RT-PCR.
Odiongan has the highest active cases with 66, followed by Looc with 65. Santa Fe have 2 current Covid-19 cases while Alcantara, Cajidiocan and Ferrol each have 1 active case.
PESU also recorded on Sunday 5 new recoveries and zero death.
The PESU also released a risk status update in the province wherein 21 barangays in the province are in high and critical status.
The barangays of Agojo, Camandag, Limon Norte, Limon Sur, Pili, Poblacion, Punta, and Tuguis in Looc; Bangon, Dapawan, Libertad, Ligaya, Poctoy, and Tuburan in Odiongan; and Hinugusan in San Agustin are all currently have critical risk status.
Meanwhile, the barangay of Camili, Gui-ob, Tugdan, and Poblacion in Alcantara; Tubigon in Ferrol; Anahao, Batiano, Budiong, Canduyong, Tulay, and Tumingad in Odiongan; Barangay 4 in Romblon; Hinugusan in San Agustin; and Mat-i in Santa Fe are all in high-risk status.