Lactating mothers and malnourished children are one of the vulnerable sectors mostly affected by the pandemic coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).
As such, the Rotary Club of Manila Binondo Prime under Rotary International District 3810 headed by District Governor Liza Vicencio Elorde and Champion President Criselda Leaño, and President-elect (Transformational Team) Mildred Catajay coordinated and sends donations through Marinduque State College President Dr. Merian C. Mani and give hands on support to the sectors affected by corona virus disease.
Compact foods and washable facemasks were donated to 34 lactating mothers and 57 malnourished children in the barangays of Bamban, Laylay, Santol, Tabi and Tanza in the Municipality of Boac, Marinduque through Kalinga on Wheels Project spearheaded by Marinduque State College.
Dr. Merian C. Mani humbly pointed out that the fight against COVID-19 is not a phenomena only our health professionals and front liners must face. Government workers and the private sectors are also given a huge responsibility to act as one and work hand in hand in giving aid in the fight against COVID19 pandemic and while it is an important act, some of us feel helpless because of the destitution we are facing. In addition, she emphasized that one act of kindness shared today, will be a multiple act of kindness tomorrow, together we heal as one.
Meanwhile, in her statement Champion President Criselda Leaño accentuated that in answer to core value of service above self and they are reaching out various communities that would need their help. “Rest assured that Rotarians will always be behind your endeavours as we focus on saving mothers and children and eradicating disease in any form. Leaño added.