The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) has opened its doors for those who want to serve as front liners in the war against illegal drugs through providing employment opportunities.
PDEA Director General Isidro S. Lapeña said the PDEA Academy gears up anew for the recruitment and selection of successful applicants that will comprise the Drug Enforcement Officer Basic Course (DEOBC) Class 2017-11 who will then be hired as drug enforcement officers (DEOs).
Lapeña added that DEOs have an entry level position of Intelligence Officer 1 (IO1), a permanent item with Salary Grade 11.
“Chosen applicants will have an opportunity to become part of the country’s premier organization on anti-drug law enforcement,” he said.
PDEA is looking for men and women, aged 21 to 35 years old; at least 5’ (female) and 5’2” (male) in height, holder of a Baccalaureate Degree, Career Service Professional Eligible, Board Passer or qualified by the Civil Service Commission under Special Laws.
Interested applicants may send their letter of application addressed to the office of the PDEA Director General, located at NIA Northside Road, National Government Center, Barangay Pinyahan, Quezon City.
Documentary requirements include Personal Data Sheet (CSC Form Number 212) (original copy) with applicant’s mobile number/s and email address/es, and photo copies of NSO-issued Birth Certificate, Official Transcript of Records, college diploma and Certification of Eligibility.
Applications may be forwarded or submitted through personal delivery at: PDEA Academy Liaison Office, PDEA National Headquarters, NIA Northside Road, National Government Center, Barangay Pinyahan, Quezon City; Courier Service at PDEA Academy, Camp General Mariano N. Castañeda, Tartaria, Silang, Cavite; or email at For more information, please visit the official PDEA website:
If under height, applicants who are members of an ethnic group must secure a height waiver issued by the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP).
Qualified applicants will take qualifying examinations, neuro-psychiatric tests, medical and dental examinations and physical fitness test, and will undergo background investigation and panel interview.
“Once recruited, they will undergo a six-month comprehensive and regimented Drug Enforcement Officer Basic Course (DEOBC) training at the PDEA Academy, Camp General Mariano N. Castañeda, Silang, Cavite,” Lapeña said.
“Cognizant of the challenges posed by the enormity of the country’s drug problem, we need every single qualified and able body to join us in the fight against drugs,” he added.
At present, the current DEOBC Class 2017-10 is undergoing training and will be graduating on September 2017. (Christopher Lloyd T. Caliwan/PNA)