“I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13
I was walking somewhere. My feet brought me in an unfamiliar place. I saw a gathering of people applauding and singing worship songs to the Lord. Without any hesitation, I joined them. As we sung suddenly we all looked up in the sky. We saw a little boy descending from heaven, escorted by an angel. They came near us and gave handshakes with everyone. But when the little boy approached me, not only a handshake but he also offered me a hug. After that startling moment, he put two golden capsules in my hand.
That was my dream in the year 2012. I was not then taking any medication or supplement. My sores all over my legs and upper back were still worse, no sign of curing. I was asking God, if only I could have vitamins that would heal my wounds faster, or at least my body would have a protection from any infection.
A day after I dreamt, a schoolmate and a friend in college communicated with me through Facebook and offered me free supplements. All my worries faded away, indeed, an answered prayer.
I was amazed at the goodness of our Lord. Truly, God works in mysterious ways. The day when I received the two bottles of supplements, (one of my featured photos on fb) I was in a bit of astonishment because the capsules of the other bottle were golden brown in color, just like in my dream.
I just smiled and offered a silent prayer of gratitude to our Lord. The supplements were of big help for the gradual healing of my wounds and gave me good results. These were quite expensive but God always blessed me with kindhearted friends who gave me that for free.
Also, that supplements helped me get sleep and restored my appetite to eat well. My monthly menstruation period that stopped for three years is now back to normal and regular. I praise the Lord for that miracle because I know the unclean blood is being washed out of my body together with the high-dosage of anti-biotic that damaged my nerves and resulted to my paralysis.
As the years go by, I learned some skills to help myself move using my upper reflexes. I always hear still small voice instructing me to do some techniques without the help of my family. As I’m living alone in my small nipa hut, I should help myself to ease the burden of being a partially-paralytic.
One day I asked my brother to look for a long skinny stick with a pointed bend at the end. The stick was of a big help as I can use it to arrange my feet when I change the position of my body. Sometimes I also use my convenient stick in massaging my legs and feet by tapping a small cotton immersed with herbal massage oil at the tip of it. I was astounded with the ways I am using and just smiled and looked up.
I know the Lord is always beside me helping me to overcome my weaknesses. He gives me strength and courage for my daily living.
A year ago, I finally learned to take a bath on my own without any help from my love ones. Usually, one just provides me a pail of water within my reach. Every weekends my six-year old daughter is assisting me to get my mattress from my bedstead to keep it dry outside.
There were times that she also washed my feet with soap and put ointment on my wounds. And when I’m done taking a bath, she helped me to get back in my cushion and position my feet.
There were times that I can also wash my own clothes, utensils and assemble my clean clothes in the basket with my daughter’s assistance.
My daughter is my greatest strong point and my toughest shield. She always reminds me to eat well and scolded me with her amusing irritation when she notices that my plate has many leftovers. She was so eager to put supplements straight to my mouth and uttered the words “In Jesus Name”.
I’m always in teary eyes when she’s doing it and makes me feel better.
God’s mercy never ends… every morning it is always new. New strength and new hope to go on with life no matter what trials we are facing. Even we’re not asking for solutions to our problem, He is always there to provide and give answers. We should always be patient and faithful in our prayers. Every day is a blessing and miracles can happen in so many mysterious ways. Praise be to God! In Jesus Holy Name! Amen.